Daily Capricorn Horoscope June 26 (26/06)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

June 26


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 8/10

A conversation or exchange with someone who truly knows and understands you could be both delightful and helpful. Its by stepping back and discussing aspects of your personality and character that you rarely detach yourself from to see properly that you can give someone a new and intriguing insight into who you are and they might just love you even more for doing so!


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You could teach lessons on restraint to others if you had to but might struggle now to take your own advice on board where keeping certain thoughts, feelings or emotions in check is concerned. You might feel youre reaching a breaking point with suppressing something that needs to be released. Intense feelings could be brewing. Release them in a calm and measured way and will be fine.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

You can see clearly an end result you want to reach and therefore, its understandable that you should want to throw more coal into the engines to speed a process along. What might happen though if you were so focused on speed that you became complacent about the direction youre heading? After all, one degree off course could take you to a place that differs from where you want to be. This week, focus more on the destination than increasing speed or pressure to get there!


summary capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

Focus is likely to involve a partnership of either a personal or professional nature. If youve managed to bide your time and refrain from bringing a tense or sensitive issue into the open, then you might not be able to hide from it this month. However, Venuss influence will ensure love and messages of comfort make up for any tension or confrontation. If you possess a creative talent that has lain dormant for too long, then the urge to reconnect with and share it with the world could be strong.


health capricorn daily

Star 9/10

When the planets are in harmony you can expect to feel psychically in tune with what is most important to you. You can sense how important it is for you to exercise before you socialize. When you get your excess energy out at the gym or in a challenging yoga class, for example, you are more likely to say what you mean and mean what you say when you are with your friends. Pay attention to your inner wisdom.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Relieve your stress level today with some form of exercise that cheers you up. What you do for your body you also must do for your spirit. Running with friends or taking a funk-aerobics class at your local gym would be great, something to pump up your heart rate as well as your sense of humor. The kind of energy we have comes largely from the activities we choose to participate in - choose something that makes you smile!


health capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You want to read about any health issues that cause you concern or interest you. The cosmos is encouraging you to delve more deeply into diet and exercise books or look online for ways to stay in peak condition. And don\t just read about it - take action. Create a plan and set some health goals. Soon you\ll be as fit as you want to be.


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

The coming weeks could bring new options and ideas into the mix concerning your overall health. There is a lot of information around, so knowing what is genuinely useful isn\t easy. Enlisting the help of an expert or personal trainer could be valuable. Having someone by your side who knows the ropes can help you sidestep any difficulties and save you a lot of time. Also, while something may seem like a brilliant idea, it needs to suit you and your body type. Give yourself a month to experiment and see what works and what doesn\t.


love capricorn daily

Star 9/10

Although you often prefer to eat when you feel gloomy, it may be better to arrange to go out with friends for an evening of fun and entertainment. The current astral energy indicates that if you are looking for love, you may meet someone with the right potential in a social setting. But nothing will happen if you stay at home and watch television.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You need water in order to germinate and grow seeds, and you also need love in order for relationships to blossom and develop. The current celestial energy encourages you to share your deeper feelings with someone special, so that the bond you have nurtured will turn into something truly wonderful. It is so easy to forget to do this, but so necessary.


love capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You aren\t sure whether you should reveal your feelings at the start of the week or keep them under wraps for just a bit longer. Love is a leap of faith. You\re either ready to take it or you\re not. You suspect that something is up over the weekend with an ex or someone you almost dated, but what could it be? You\re curious enough to text him or her to find out.


love capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

Fate is on your side during the Sun/Jupiter trine on June 3. Love at first sight isn\t just a myth. It\s happened to you before and it could happen again. The bright Sun/Mercury conjunction on June 21 gives you the voice to express yourself, but your love-related opinions won\t always be popular. Luckily, the only person you have to worry about pleasing is you. You\re mentally aggressive during the Mercury/Mars conjunction on June 26, so if you want to find out more about your secret crush, this is the time. Use all available research tools to find out if you\re a perfect match or just wasting your time.


career capricorn daily

Star 9/10

Your productivity is high, and your relations with people in the workplace are phenomenal. Anything you want to accomplish today is within your reach - mostly thanks to the help, support, and advice of those around you. These relationships are gold.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today\s energy is working in your favor. The success that you have been waiting for is at hand. The key to this has to do with having a more critical eye of your own work. Don\t be afraid to condense and consolidate. The results will be phenomenal.


career capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Something must be surrendered in order for new methods to emerge. If you\re willing to sacrifice dearly held expectations, you\ll learn something important in the process. Team meetings with a clear agenda can create consensus. If you release old ways of thinking and doing, a time of powerful and positive change will come. Clinging to the past blocks the flow of opportunity. You do well with innovation, and the time is now!


career capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

Some troubling information could surface around June 9. It\s important to distance yourself from someone who\s been engaged in criminal activity. You\ve worked too hard to have your reputation tarnished by a shady colleague or employer. Fortunately, you\ll be able to form a lucrative business partnership in the days around June 23. Teaming up with someone with great emotional intelligence will be effective. You can focus on the big picture while your associate attracts and maintains business relationships. Each of you has impressive executive ability, so be ready to share responsibility. Fighting for supremacy would be a waste of valuable energy.



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