
Showing posts from December, 2021

Then it's usually gone catastrophic on the next day

Then it's usually gone catastrophic on the next day funny 163 Likes 19 Comments Ana Kolevska Fiona Mullins My entire life is a check engine light Marsha Felton my life as a car? Sure, I'm old van: resistors on the end of cables, instead of sensors, pipes leaking all over the place, heat exchange works only through cabin ventilation, there is only one 25x12 mm spot on the chassis that isn't rusted through and through. the exhaust has more holes than flute, but that&#

Daily Scorpio Horoscope December 28 (28/12)

Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion December 28 (28/12) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 7/10 In an area of your world, its a case of try it, youll like it. You might have made up your mind about refusing to take a step or make a move lest you experience only disappointment or failure. Yet, a delightful and pleasing opportunity is begging for your attention now. It doesnt need you to make a grand gesture or an over-the-top level of effort. Just a small step toward it could be enough for you to feel reassured that a bigger step will be even more worthwhile. Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 8/10 The stinger in a scorpions tail played a significant part in determining what image should portray Scorpios. Why ancient astrologers focused on o

....I feel sudden urge to watch Brotherhood...

....I feel sudden urge to watch Brotherhood... design 144 Likes 19 Comments Beth Marie Herrera Cristina Bucad Brad Ailani Bradshaw Regina Lehnen Marianne Paul Had a date for some weeks. Suggested Netflix, I chose fma, he'd never seen it but ended up liking it a lo